Calling all parents who are stressed, overwhelmed, or feeling spread thin!

Watch this quick video to learn how you can help your family thrive emotionally, without spending thousands of dollars or countless hours figuring it out.


We'd love to have you join us before doors to the membership close! πŸ’›


Worried that the stress of today is shaping your family's tomorrow?

Feel like nobody understands your family's chaos, or your own guilt or overwhelm?

Learn how to break free from feeling stressed, resentful, or angry,

so you can start creating happier memories for you and your family.

Truly effective parenting - the kind that leads to greater happiness and emotional resilience - involves more than just guiding your child.

Stop watching precious moments slip by in overwhelm.

Become the compass that leads your family forward.

Learn how to transform your own emotional health, so you can find more joy in the precious time you have to create memories with your child.

Let's face it -

Motherhood can be hard.

Can you relate?

  • That scratchy feeling at the back of your throat...from having yelled at your kid. πŸ’›
  • The judgemental stares at the grocery store...because your child is, yet again, melting down. πŸ™ˆ
  • The stress. Seriously. You are SO stressed. Your plate is SO full and it feels like you just can't add a single more thing to it...yet, there's always more to do. 😩
  • The wish to enjoy parenting more...but some days it's all you can do to count down until your kids are (finally!) in bed. 😰
  • You wish you had someone who gets it…and won’t judge you (or your kids) πŸ’—

You'd give anything for to show up as the parent you really want to be - confident, happier, and more at peace.

The good news is - you are not alone and your efforts are worth it.

"My children are melting down less, and I am more consciously able to show up like the mom I want to be."

I always loved my children, but before working with Emily I felt constantly overwhelmed as a mother, struggling to balance my own needs with the demands of motherhood. This program has changed so much for me.


My children are melting down less, and I am more consciously able to show up like the mom I want to be. My self-talk is so much more compassionate and that is translating to me being a calmer, more confident version of myself, too.

-Sierra H.

You want to raise an emotionally healthy family so you'll all have memories of…

Deeper, Truly Enjoyable Family Relationships

Create a family life filled with meaningful interactions that last a lifetime. Build lasting family bonds that thrive on trust and open communication, even through life's ups and downs.

Less Fighting & More Peace at Home

Transform your approach to those tough moments, equipping your family with effective conflict resolution skills that lead to a peaceful, respectful & understanding home.

Effective, Compassionate Parenting Tools

Embrace a personalized approach to parenting, where practical, tailored strategies meet your family's individual challenges, and are effective in addressing challenging behavior.

You can go from stressed & overwhelmed

to hopeful & empowered

(in less time than you might think).

"It’s been a total game-changer for our family dynamics."

My life as a mom used to feel like a constant battlefield with unexpected changes and meltdowns at every turn. I felt like I was walking on eggshells, and honestly, it was downright exhausting.

Since finding this membership, not only do I have realistic plans for helping my kids with their emotional rollercoasters, but I also discovered a new confidence in myself as a mom.

I’ve tried coaching before, but have never found it to be as validating, helpful, and realistic as what I’ve found in this membership. It’s been a total game-changer for our family dynamics.

-Amanda N.


Parenting with big emotions can be exhausting for the whole family.

I so feel you.

Trying to stay cool when my kids were having a meltdown felt like defusing a bomb without a manual.

Some days I felt like no matter what I did, I was failing...and no matter what I tried, the meltdowns only got worse. Frankly, sometimes I felt helpless and hopeless as a parent.

I felt so alone in my parenting struggles - it seemed like everyone else's children were so much easier than mine, and when I went to them with advice...they just didn't get it. It was like nobody understood what it was like to be in my shoes.

I used to lay in bed at night, haunted by the thought that maybe I just didn't have what it takes to parent these children.

I'd tried so many things...

❎ Using willpower to stop yelling

❎ Shaping my kids' behavior with harsh punishments to no punishments & everything in between

❎ Hours spent on Google

❎ Asking friends, family, pediatricians, & more

❎ Expensive therapy sessions with little progress

❎ Forcing a smile while seething inside

❎ Trying to "choose" to not be angry & just be happy instead

❎ Books, podcasts, webinars and so much more...

...and it just seemed like nothing worked!

My lifeline was finding someone - anyone - who understood what it was like to parent kids with intense emotions.

I remember laying face down on my bed, sobbing, because I had just terrified my 4-year old by screaming at him to stop screaming at me. His defiance and tantrums seemed to be more than I could handle. My own emotions were out of control. I felt so spread thin, so exhausted, so utterly at the end of my rope that I felt I might snap...and in fact, I did. Often. Several times a day.

Screaming matches with my kids left us both in tears, and the happy family life I had always hoped for seemed to be anthing but possbile.

Then, once I had simmered out, not only did I see the pain in my kids eyes, but also the deep concern in my husband's eyes.

One thing was certain: something needed to change if we wanted a healthier, happier family life.

But I had one advantage: a firm belief that more peace at home was possible - even for our neurodivergent family.


My family's journey to mental & emotional health had to start with me.

Learning how to manage my own big feelings helped me teach my kids how to handle theirs.



  • Less yelling, snapping, & arguments
  • Better relationships with my kids
  • Better relationship with my husband
  • Healthier conflict resolution
  • More self compassion
  • Less mom guilt
  • A more loving feeling at home
  • More happiness in general
  • Much less stress & overwhelm
  • More confidence in my parenting
  • Increased family cooperation
  • More hope & joy in parenting

"Before, I felt overwhelmed and confused about how to handle my own emotions, let alone my children's. Now, I feel confident and empowered..."

I was raised to believe that emotions should be shoved down, but I realized that this wasn't healthy and not how I wanted to raise my own children. This program has been nothing short of incredible.

I feel like I underwent a giant, life-changing perspective shift. Before, I felt overwhelmed and confused about how to handle my own emotions, let alone my children's. Now, I feel confident and empowered, armed with healthy ways to manage my emotions and amazing tools to teach my children how to handle theirs.

-Nicole T.


Learning to manage my own emotions has empowered me to handle my kid's intense emotions - and made me the central force in completely changing our family dynamic.

And it hasn't only worked for us -

This simple 4-step process has helped so many others in this journey!


Emotionally Healthy Families

Steer your family ship from stormy seas to calm waters.

Become the calm center of the storm, armed with tools that not only steady your course, but also teach your kids to sail through their own storms.

"I've...gained the navigate those intense emotional moments with grace and confidence."

-Brittany S.

Before joining this membership I felt like I was constantly drowning in my neurodivergent child's intense emotions. It was overwhelming and I struggled to handle the situations effectively.

But being a part of this community has been an absolute game-changer for me.

I've not only learned how to build a stronger and more meaningful connection with my child but I've also gained the tools and understanding to navigate those intense emotional moments with grace and confidence.

Yes! This is possible for busy parents!



What you'll learn


Step 1: Regulate Your Own Emotions

Thoughts & Emotions Module

Begin by mastering self-regulation. This module focuses on understanding and managing your thoughts and emotions, which is vital in maintaining composure during your child's challenging moments.

Learn to be the pillar of calm that guides your family, so you can think logically, show up the way you want, and confidently lead by example.

Step 2: Uncover the Roots of Intense Emotions

Triggers Module

Explore both your and your child's triggers. This module helps you more easily identify what sparks emotional reactions and provides strategies for addressing these triggers effectively.

Gain clarity on the underlying causes of emotional responses to support yourself & your child more effectively.

Step 3 - Build Your Empowered Parenting Toolbox

Customizing Your Parenting Toolbox Module

Access a suite of resources including visuals, personalized guides, live coaching, and interactive community support. Tailor your parenting strategies with our videos and mini-workbooks, designed to fit your family’s unique needs.

Skip the trial-and-error phase so you can save time by moving straight to solutions that resonate with you and your child.

Step 4: Maintain Lifelong Growth

Grow as Your Child Grows Module

Embrace continuous development in your parenting journey. This step focuses on adapting and refining your skills as your child matures.

It encourages a growth mindset, ensuring you're always equipped to meet your child's evolving emotional and developmental needs.


Easy-to-Use and Easy-to-Implement Resources

Not to mention our ever-growing

collection of bonuses...

"The content is easy to consume and doesn't require hours of commitment, yet it's incredibly effective."

As a homeschooling mom of 3, finding the right support was a game-changer. I’ve tried other programs before but this is the first one that I was able to stick with.

The content is easy to consume and doesn't require hours of commitment, yet it's incredibly effective. I'm amazed at how much I've learned and how easy it is to find time for it in my busy life.

I have definitely been empowered in how to manage my own emotions and am much more confident in handling the hard times with my kids.

-Lili C.


I've already tried so many strategies and

nothing seems to work -

why should I consider Emotionally Healthy Families?


For less than half the cost of a single therapy session,

you can give your children the gift of a emotionally healthy home.

This means that each month you can:

🌟 Feel Empowered, Not Alone: Find solace in a community that truly gets it.

🌟 Become Your Best Self: Learn tools to show up better for your family each day.

🌟 Silence Your Inner Critic: Foster self-compassion and handle negative self-talk.

🌟 Transform Your Home Life: Shift from chaos to calm, creating a nurturing environment.

🌟 Lead by Example: Master your emotions to effectively guide your child's emotional growth.

🌟 Help your child: Discover parenting tools that are incredibly effective in helping your kid with their challenges

Emotionally Healthy Families Membership Includes:

πŸŽ₯ On-Demand Trainings:

Tap into our portal anytime for realistic, bite-sized videos & resources that are easy to listen to and understand - even for overwhelmed minds.

πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Group Coaching Sessions:

Join our live bi-monthly calls for Q&A mentorship & the support you've been missing. Catch the replays as videos or through our private podcast - whatever works for you.

πŸ’› A Supportive Community:

Our 24/7 online group lets you share, learn, and find solidarity in parenting's ups and downs. Find growth/accountability buddies, and connect with coaches and other parents via text, audio, or video messages.

🌟 Personalized Parenting Resources:

Get weekly personalized resources created speifically for your family, with whatever challenge you're currently facing. Receive realistic, individualized resources, that you can read and put to practice in minutes.

...and more...✨

If you can check either box...


1. Starting the Emotional Journey

New to navigating your child's strong emotions (or your own)?

EHF lays out guilt-free step-by-step guidance for creating a more harmonious family environment.


2. Seeking Advanced Strategies

Already practicing emotional regulation but seeking more?

EHF brings advanced insights and ongoing support to fine-tune your family's emotional dynamics.

...then the Emotionally Healthy Families membership is for you

Your family is the center of your heart.

Every day you put off your own growth influences them, too.

Every effort you put in to your own emotional health will pay off big time in their future (and yours!)

With Emotionally Healthy Families, you're not just navigating the present challenges; you're laying the foundation for a lifetime of understanding, resilience, and deep connections.

Start building a legacy of emotional well-being today.

Investing in EHF means investing in a future where every family member feels supported, heard, and valued. It's about transforming daily struggles into opportunities for growth and bonding.

You don't have to do this alone.

A more hopeful, enjoyable, empowered parenting experience...and a more peaceful home within your reach.

"The wisdom and insights taught in the program have changed the way that I parent."

-Ashley S.

I used to feel so alone and isolated in parenting a child with big emotions.

The wisdom and insights taught in the program have changed the way that I parent and, while we still have our tough moments, it’s no where near as hard as it used to be.

The tools and strategies Emily teaches are out of the box, practical and useful and her compassionate coaching methods have greatly blessed my life and my children’s lives.

Money Back Guarantee

No question asked 7 day refund guaranteed.

If you are unhappy for any reason, get your money back.

Rock solid guarantee

Secure Payment

All orders are through a very secure network.

Your credit card information is never stored in any way.

We respect your privacy.

Still have questions? I've got you!

Send me an email and ask away!

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