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Worried your kid's temper will prevent them from having good relationships & future opportunities?

Dreading yet another public meltdown?

Help Your Child Learn Anger Management

In Just a Few Minutes a Week

Empower your kid so they can control their anger, without hitting, screaming, biting, or saying hurtful things, so they can have better friendships & relationships, handle conflict without crumbling, and so you can have more peace at home.

Get instant access now for $9 or less

Here's Why Teaching Your Kid Anger Management Matters So Much:

  • You don’t want your child’s anger to continue to spiral out of control as they grow
  • Their mood doesn’t just stay to themselves - it affects the entire family.
  • You’re heartbroken each time you see your kid make such poor choices when they're upset
  • You’re worried about what will happen if they don’t learn to handle their anger.


When I first began teaching my kids anger management, I had no clue what I was doing.

In fact, I found the common methods ineffective

Telling them to calm down only seemed to make it worse

  • ❌ Once their anger turned on, it was like their logic turned off
  • ❌ Punishing, not punishing, consequences, or not - nothing seemed to make a difference
  • Hours spent on Google, social media, or trying to ask my friends and family...got me nowhere
  • ❌ I found myself resorting to screaming or full on intimidating them just to get them to stop…and it felt so out of alignment from who I really want to be as a parent (can’t even describe the guilt 😞)

So, against all the advice, I did what felt right to me.

And I started helping them work on anger WHEN THEY WEREN’T EVEN ANGRY.

And guess what?

  • I realized my kids were so difficult when upset because they had limited tools and understanding
  • By helping them handle anger when they weren’t angry allowed them (and me!) to be calm and logical while learning new skills
  • I started to better understand why their anger was there in the first place
  • Then, I switched from a “stop being angry!” mindset, to more of a “When you’re angry, let’s have a plan in place.”
  • It’s still a work in progress some days, but the growth is undeniable.
  • They began to be more aware of their own body and emotions
  • I saw them handle more sibling & friend conflicts without my help
  • I get less messages from school and church about my kid’s behaviors

Now, it's your turn.

Consider this your personal invitation to join us in empowering our kids with anger management.

It's only $9 for access,

or if you join Emotionally Intelligent Kids, it's yours for free.

The Kid’s Anger Management Resource Bundle Comes With:

  • “How to Calm Your Anger” video that clearly explains to kids why they have anger and some ideas for how to handle it.
  • A step-by-step video walkthrough so you understand how to use the resources
  • Resources to help kids recognize what anger is like in their bodies
  • Tools to help your kid recognize their own triggers
  • Resources for your kids to make their own anger plan, so they can be prepared for when big emotions come.
  • Printable healthy coping skills poster, so your child can have a visual reminder of how to handle their intense feelings
  • Variety of calm down techniques and printable resources
  • Cool-down affirmations to help your child express their feelings in healthier ways, without catastrophizing or saying hurtful things to others or themselves.
  • A fun, out-of-the-moment game to help kids learn skills anger management in a light-hearted way (and while building their connection with you - win-win)
  • Hands-on craft instructions to help build skills in an out-of-the-box way (and without needing a lot of supplies or prep)
  • Non-judgemental attitude from someone who gets it - I know what it’s like to have angry kids (me!)
  • (Or join Emotionally Intelligent Kids for just $7 and get this resource + so many others + access to a private community full of many other parents who get it)

You Have 2 Options...


Join nearly 100 other parents inside

Emotionally Intelligent Kids

Get non-judgemental support on your journey, and instant access to an amazing hub of resources to help make learning emotional regulation easy & fun.

Cancel anytime ~ 7 day money-back guarantee.

What do others have to say?

Hey there! I’m Emily - mom of several amazing, strong-willed, neuro-spicy kiddos 🌶️

Even with my teaching certificate, it took me a while to realize that meeting my kid’s fire with fire did nothing but fuel more explosions, and that trying to control their anger in the heat of the moment is like trying to douse a fire with gasoline.

One thing I wish I knew early on in my parenting: the time to teach anger management is actually when they’re calm!

And the way to do so is by empowering them with compassionate understanding about their anger, personalized plans to handle it, and tools that they’ve chosen and practiced utilizing for when the anger pops up.

I’m passionate about helping other parents empower their kids with more emotional skills, so they can not only understand each other better, but so they can grow up with healthy ways to handle the big feelings that life is sure to bring.

I’m known for my high-value, low cost offerings which sometimes seem insane, but feel amazing to me to be able to offer so much to so many families, regardless of their income level.

Even though I've worked with 1000+ kiddos worldwide, I just opened Emotionally Intelligent Kids a few months ago and we are already nearing 100 members in there!

It’s been amazing to be able to share what I’ve learned from my own journey with so many others, and I’m so thankful for the ability to do so.

Right now, you might be thinking...

“I just don’t have time for this.”

I get it—life can be busy. The resource bundle is designed with busy parents in mind. You can go at your own pace, fitting it into your schedule as you see fit, and will literally see results within a week if you put in just a few minutes a day.

(Plus, think of how much time you'll end up saving if you don't have to deal with SO many meltdowns & fights.)

“My kid doesn’t like worksheets.”

I hear ya! It's not about making your kid complete worksheets - each worksheet provides you with a simple guide for the kinds of conversations and activities you can have with your kid to help them better understand their anger and handle it when it comes.

"I'm on a tight budget. Can I really afford this?"

I've definitely been there, and also truly believe that investing in your child's emotional well-being can have long-term benefits. Plus, the resource bundle is priced affordably, and it's also available for free when you join Emotionally Intelligent Kids for just $7.

"Is this just another promise of a quick fix?"

I completely understand this concern. This resource bundle isn't a quick fix; it's a set of tools to empower your child over time. It's about providing them with skills they can use for a lifetime."

"Will these materials be suitable for my child's specific needs?"

Every child is unique. The resource bundle is versatile, offering a range of tools that can be tailored to your child's age, temperament, and needs. It's designed to be adaptable.

7-Day no questions asked money back guarantee

But is it worth the $$?

Let's put that $9 into perspective.

Consider the average cost of anger therapy sessions, often ranging from $100 to $200 per hour - with multiple sessions needed to start seeing results.

Spending just $9 and a few minutes a day in these worksheets could potentially lead to significant improvements in your child's anger management skills.

This resource is not therapy, but it can be a valuable tool for your child's emotional growth.

And if it doesn't meet your expectations, we offer a 7-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee.

Save yourself years of trial & error.


What is the Anger Management Resource Bundle for Kids?

The Anger Management Resource Bundle is a collection of tools and resources designed to help children understand and manage their anger effectively. It includes videos, printable resources, games, and hands-on activities.

Who is this bundle designed for?

This bundle is ideal for parents or guardians of children who struggle with anger management and emotional regulation. It's suitable for strong-willed or neurodivergent children as well.

How does this bundle help with anger management?

The resources focus on teaching children to recognize and understand their anger, develop healthy coping strategies, and create personal plans for handling intense emotions.

What makes the Anger Management Resource Bundle for Kids unique?

This bundle stands out because it not only provides tools for managing anger but also emphasizes understanding emotions in a non-confrontational setting. It includes a variety of resources designed for use when the child is calm, helping them to develop skills proactively.

Why is it beneficial to make learning about anger management fun?

Making learning fun, especially for a serious topic like anger management, helps children engage more willingly and retain information better. Playful learning breaks down resistance and fear surrounding difficult emotions, making it easier for children to open up and learn.

Is this bundle suitable for all ages?

The bundle is versatile and can be adapted to suit different ages and needs.

How do I access the resources after purchase?

Upon purchase, you'll receive instant access to all the digital resources in the bundle. Instructions for accessing and using the resources will be provided.

Can I use these resources in a classroom setting?

Yes, these resources are primarily designed for individual use at home, but can easily be adapted for use in a classroom or group setting.

Are these resources backed by research or evidence-based practices?

The bundle incorporates strategies and techniques that are grounded in educational and psychological research, focusing on emotional intelligence, self-regulation, and positive behavior reinforcement.

How much time is required to use these resources?

The bundle is designed for busy parents, allowing you to go at your own pace. The time commitment can vary, but even a few minutes a day can be beneficial.

My child doesn’t like worksheets. Will they still benefit?

Yes, the bundle offers a variety of tools beyond worksheets, including videos, games, and hands-on activities, to cater to different learning styles.

How can I maximize the benefits of this bundle for my child?

Consider setting a regular schedule for using the resources, and celebrate small victories and progress with your child. Joining a community of parents with similar challenges, like Emotionally Intelligent Kids, can also provide support, motivation, and teach you how to fit it into the busiest of schedules.

What if the bundle doesn't meet my expectations?

We offer a 7-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied, you can request a full refund within this period.

Who created these resources?

The bundle was created by Emily, a certified teacher and mom of several strong-willed, neurodivergent children. She has firsthand experience in helping many different children learn to manage their anger in healthy ways.

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